William Soto Santiago
Saturday, September 6, 1997
San Bartolome M. A., Sacatepequez, Guatemala
Base Scripture: Ephesians 4:30
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Friday, December 4, 1998
(Third activity)
Bogota, Colombia
In the time of the barley is where the first fruits are taken, and from the barley is where the sheaf is waved.
And now, we can see that that time is very important, because it is the time of the beginning of the harvest. At the beginning of the harvest is when the first fruit or the first fruits are taken, a waved sheaf is prepared, and it is presented to God. And that waved sheaf of the first fruits represents Christ.
Now, notice that this story of Ruth’s life, this story of Naomi and Ruth’s life is very important, because it is a story that represents Christ (who is represented in Boaz), it represents the Hebrew people (whom is represented in Naomi) and it represents the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ (who is represented in Ruth).
That is why this story of Ruth, Naomi and Boaz is so important, because here Christ and His Work as Kinsman Redeemer is reflected, who redeemed the Hebrew people and His gentile Church; which was represented when Boaz as kinsman redeemer redeemed Naomi; and therefore, in that work that he carried out there in Israel, he automatically redeemed Ruth.
Because Ruth belonged to whom? To Naomi, she was part of Naomi; and that is why, notice, she returned with Naomi, that is, she went with Naomi to the land of Israel, and lived there until she died; but she became one of the important women in the history of the Hebrew people.
And through her, Boaz had a son named Obed, which means ‘worshiper’ (let’s see: it means ‘worshiper’). And Obed had a son named Jesse, and Jesse had a son named David; and David means ‘beloved.’ And that offspring continued from David, by which the Messiah came, being born through a virgin descendant of King David.
(Ministers Meeting)
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Saturday, November 8, 1997
Asuncion, Paraguay
The human being has two consciousnesses, called the conscious and the subconscious. And science says that the human being only uses 10% of his brain, because the other 90% is unconscious, it is not conscious. And if only with 10% of consciousness the human being has achieved so many things, how would it be with a little more, and how would it be with one hundred percent [100%]?
Now, see how that can only be possible with the union of both consciousnesses; and so the conscious takes from the subconscious what is in the subconscious and makes it conscious; and if a person has both consciousnesses together, then he will be able to use more than 10%, depending on how much he takes from the subconscious.
Now… the conscious is and corresponds to the spirit of the person, and the subconscious corresponds to the soul of the person. And that is why there are people who are not aware of the reason for their existence here on Earth.
And that is why the Word has to be sown where? There in the soul, in the subconscious of the person; there the person believes it; and then, you see, that mystery of salvation becomes conscious for the person.
Because the person, unless he believes it in his soul, it does not become a reality, and the person does not become aware of that great blessing that Christ won for us on Calvary’s Cross.
For people it usually becomes something historical; but when the person has believed it in his soul: it has become a reality in the life of each person and produces benefits for that person.
God has in His Program that the human being has both consciousnesses together.
Adam was a man with both consciousnesses together, because he had his theophanic body, and had been placed in a body of flesh with that theophanic body; but after the fall the human being has not been able to obtain his theophanic body before coming to this Earth in the physical body; therefore, he has taken a spirit from the world and (the person) has also taken a body in the permissive will of God, begotten by a man in a woman, which is a temporary, corruptible and mortal body.
But through the new birth, through believing in Christ as our Savior and washing our sins in the Blood of Christ: we receive the Spirit of Christ, we receive the theophanic spirit of the sixth dimension, which will also be living in the new body that we are to have.
And there will be both consciousnesses together; and there will be the mind…, let’s say, the mind of the soul and the mind of the spirit together. And there the human being, you see, will bring out of his soul all the things that he will have during the Millennial Kingdom and during eternity; this is for those who will reach the stature of a perfect Man.
Now, notice, from the human being —from there, the soul— things come out, good things and bad things come out, and good things or bad things materialize to people in life; but they do not understand how this mechanism is working.
(…) And that is why at this time now, the Church of Jesus Christ can be speaking the things that are to happen —that is, she is prophesying— through the Spirit of Christ who is in Her, in the Age of the Cornerstone, making known to us all these things.
The Spirit of Christ prophecies through His Angel Messenger the things that are to happen, and the Church of Jesus Christ in the Age of the Cornerstone says the same thing.
That is why it says in Revelation, chapter 22, verse 17:
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.”
See? The Spirit: Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit in His Angel Messenger, is the one who says: “Come”; and how does the Bride say?: “Come,” because she is a Church-prophet.
Now, we can see where we are at this Last Day: where the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is joined to the other consciousness.
To be joined to the Cornerstone is to be joined to the other consciousness; that is, the subconscious being joined to the conscious of the Church of Jesus Christ. To have the Age of the Cornerstone joined to the seven ages of the Church is to have the subconscious of the Age of the Cornerstone joined to the conscious of the seven ages.
And so, notice how the Church of Jesus Christ has been being built in the same way that Jesus Christ is. There is then a perfect (what?) Church being built.
And so also for each member of the Mystical Body of Christ is the Program of God; to all be in the image and likeness of Christ with both consciousnesses together; and all be to the stature of a perfect Man, to the stature of Jesus Christ: to all be like Jesus Christ, the prophet of Nazareth.
“Would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets!”1, said Moses; and who else said so (Samuel did too?).
And now, you see, their desire, when they speak that way, is why? Because at some time they would all be prophets; but all of the heavenly Israel. And they reflected that with the earthly Israel: “Would God that all in Israel were prophets,” all the earthly Israel; but look, the heavenly Israel is the one that all will be prophets!, because they will all have both consciousnesses together!
And if with one —Jesus Christ— look how things were with a perfect one; now, how will it be with millions who will reach that stature? That will be the most glorious thing for the glorious Millennial Kingdom and for all eternity.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Cali, Colombia
Israel, the State of Israel, is a reality and is marking the hour for the Coming of the Lord, it is marking the hour for the restoration of the Kingdom of God on Earth, it is marking the hour for the resurrection of the dead in Christ and the transformation of us who live; because Israel is God’s clock, and Christ said that when we see all these things begin to happen: let us lift up our heads, because our redemption is near, our transformation.
Therefore, let us be with our heads lifted up to the things of God, serving God with all our hearts, ready for the redemption of the body, that is, for our transformation.
Our redemption is at hand. And the Kingdom of God, the restoration of the Kingdom of God on Earth, which will be the restoration of the Kingdom of David, is also near.
Therefore, let us be ready, let us hold firmly to Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, as Jacob held on to the Angel and did not let go until he received the blessing from Him. That is in Genesis, chapter 32, verses 24 to 32.
Printed in Puerto Rico
1 Numbers 11:29