BIBLE STUDY #223 – SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2022
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Monday, September 8, 1997
San Bartolome M. A., Sacatepequez, Guatemala
Scripture: Luke 2:41-52
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Cayey, Puerto Rico
And, therefore, just as one had to respect God and His Work that He was carrying out at each stage, through the instruments He had, and in His Church; and just as the Work that was carried out in previous ages or dispensations had to be respected; so it is also for our time.
Those who didn’t respect God and His Work, by not respecting the instruments that He used and the people that He had for that time, they were disrespecting God and His Work; and consequently, they had serious problems with God.
Not respecting Abraham, for example, was to not respect God; and many nations were destroyed because of that, and people as well.
Not respecting Moses was to not respect God; because God was in Moses, and God was carrying out His Work through the prophet Moses; therefore, not respecting him was to not respect God and not respecting God’s Work that was being carried out through the prophet Moses.
And it doesn’t matter whether or not they are friends or brethren or relatives of the instrument that God has for each time: not respecting the instrument that God has…; for example, not respecting the apostles, Peter, Saint Peter, was to not respect God, who was in Peter through the Holy Spirit.
For example, there was an occasion where some people came and sold a property; and in those days, well, the believers were offering to God for the Work of God, and they knew that a destruction would come to Jerusalem, the temple and the city would also be destroyed, and they were making good use and storing treasures in Heaven, where they would be safe; but they were doing that out of love for the Work of God.
And they came…, a married couple, and they sold a property; and then the husband came to Peter (as all the other people did) and brought his offering of the property; and Peter asked him how the business had been, whether he had sold it for such amount, and he said: “Yes, this is all.”
And Peter said to him: “You have not lied to man, but to God.” And he died.
And then came the wife… And they took away that person, Ananias. Then came his wife Sapphira, and then Peter says to her:
—“Did you sell the property?”
—“Yes, we sold it.”
—“Did you sell it for such an amount, as you had agreed?
—“Yes, we sold it for that much.”
He says to her: “There they come, those who have just taken your husband to bury him; they come for you,” and she died too; for they didn’t lie to Peter, but they lied to God who was in Peter the Holy Spirit.1
So, do you know something? Reverend William Branham says that that is going to be repeated in this end time. Therefore, that is going to be repeated, most likely, in the fulfillment of the Tent Vision, or before.
After the fulfillment of the Tent Vision it can’t be; it has to be either in the fulfillment of the Tent Vision or before the fulfillment of the Tent Vision. That is why people who lie have the prize, they have it pointed out there what is going to happen to them.
Now, remember that the Scripture says don’t lie to God; therefore, there is a problem for those who lie. Therefore, when you see in the midst of Christianity what happened to Peter being fulfilled again, remember what we are talking about on this occasion: that will be repeated.
Remember that it was in the midst of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it has to be in the midst of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ again; in the last days that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is going through.
Respect for God and His work is very important for every believer in Christ. It is important that we love God with all our heart, with all our soul, all our mind, all our spirit, all our strength, as it is indicated in the Scripture. It must be agapao love, love from the soul.
(…) And believers in Christ will reach the promised land of the new body, and the promised land of the Kingdom of the Messiah, and the promised land of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; because God promised it.
No matter the problems that Christianity has had, no matter the problems that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has had: it will reach the promised land of the new body, and the promised land of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and the promised land of the Kingdom of the Messiah.
That is why it is necessary to have respect for God and His Work. Sometimes, because of difficulties that arise in the midst of the people of God, as it happened with the Hebrew people, some disrespect God and His Work and the messenger that God sent, and then the problem becomes big for those people.
It must be understood that the human being at different times goes through different stages as an individual, and some problems arise in the life of individuals or in the life of the whole people, but we have to move forward to the goal.
With how many are we going to reach the goal? Think: “It doesn’t matter how many there are, the important thing is that I am going to reach the goal. I place my hand to the plow and I don’t look back; I look forward to the goal.”
If someone says to you: “But with all the problems there are!” There will be more problems in the great tribulation.
—“But you still believe in Christ and you keep on going even though there are problems?”
—“Of course I do! When I am transformed there will be no more problems for me.”
That is the way to think. It is necessary to think in a positive way and in a way in which one is always active in the Lord’s Work, working in the Work of the Lord for the time in which we are living.
(…) Therefore, one has to be, in the time one is living in, aware that God exists, that there is a Divine Work, that there are people sent in every age or in every time to work in that Work; and then all be united in that Program or Divine Project doing the Work of God; and be able to say like Christ: “I must be about my Father’s business.”
And how is it convenient for one to be in the Father’s business? Working. Because a person who is in the Father’s business and is not doing anything… Ask an engineer, ask a builder, if there is a person on the project that is doing – that is doing nothing, ask what he is good for: to hinder those who are working.
A person who is not doing anything is a hindrance. That is why we must always be working in the Work of the Lord.
The one who is not doing anything is the one who is looking at the faults of those who are working. And sometimes the fault is corrected and he is still talking about a fault, and he doesn’t know that it was corrected.
In a construction, sometimes, some that work in a construction make a mistake; but they correct it and the construction goes on.
Therefore, let’s be with a positive faith, always working in the Work of the Lord, and respecting God and that Work of God in which we are working; which is a great privilege for us: to have been included as workers of the Divine Work for the time in which we live.
The same thing we are doing at this time, we would have done it in the time of Noah or in the time of Moses: to be arm in arm with God in His Work, with the instruments He had for that time, to carry out that Work; we wouldn’t do anything else.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, January 6, 1985
Maturin, Monagas, Venezuela
Notice that after Mount Transfiguration Jesus did a few little jobs in the Work, in the business of the Father; and then…, He had said: “I came out of God, and I return to God.”
And all of us can say the same thing: “We came out of God”; and after the adoption of all of us, the transformation of our bodies takes place on Mount Zion, on the top of the Mount, we will say the other word: “And we return to God. So… See you!”
That was what the Lord Jesus Christ said when He left; He said: “I came out from God and I am returning to God.” And afterwards, when He had to leave, and the disciples wanted to know something more, the Lord Himself, the Lord Himself didn’t even tell them, but rather two messengers came down, two men, and said to them: “This same Jesus, who has been taken from among you, just as you saw Him go to Heaven in a cloud (they saw a cloud that took Him), He Himself will return.” Nor did He Himself say to them: “I am leaving, and I will return,” but rather at that moment He left, and the heavenly messengers said,: “Don’t worry, He will return.”
But look, two thousand years have passed so that in this time we reach the time that He promises to fulfill that promise according to the apocalyptic Seventh Seal, which is the Coming of the Lord.
(Ministers Meeting)
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Tuesday, June 19, 2011
Buenos Aires, Argentina
So God is patient.
For God to defer something, to defer it for a hundred years or a thousand years, that is nothing to God!; a thousand years in eternity is less than a grain of sand.
God is patient; and out of love He does many things on behalf of His children; so, many things may have been deferred.
And there are even blessings that are for us in our time, which were not given, except the sample only; they were given there in past times. What is coming for the people of God, the Church, and for the Jews, is great, it is a very great revival; a revival that is going to impact the whole world.
From there is that the ministries of Moses for the second time and Elijah for the fifth time will emerge. And I say “of Moses for the second time,” but also, if you want to count the ministry of Moses in Jesus: then it would be in Jesus for the second time the ministry of Moses, and then the ministry of Moses for the third time in the Last Day.
Under those ministries is that many things will happen; therefore, the full fulfillment of the Tent Vision will have something to do with the ministries of Moses and Elijah.
Remember that when the Hebrew people went through the wilderness, Moses went, and a tabernacle accompanied him, a tent; a tabernacle where the presence of God was in it.
In the ministry of the fourth Elijah there were also tents where he preached, and where thousands of people attended; in different countries tents were set up.
Tents are… it is the best for times of environmental problems, it is the safest. A building, with an earthquake, breaks; a tent resists seismic movements. And with so many prophecies that speak of earthquakes, God also has to take all that into account; and then that helps more to the safety of the people.
And getting so close to the Feast of the Tabernacles… remember that a tent is a tabernacle, like the ones the Hebrew people had; they lived in tabernacles, in tents. So all that is linked to be fulfilled in Hebrew feasts.
When the fulfillment of the Tent Vision is connected with the Hebrews… it has to do with the Church and then with the Hebrews; it is also linked to the Seventh Seal, and the Sixth Seal.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, December 8, 2002
São Paulo, Brazil
In eternity, after the Millennial Kingdom, look, we will be in the most important City of the entire universe: The New Jerusalem; and the planet Earth will become the main planet of all Creation, of all the universe, of all the galaxies; therefore, the galaxy to which the planet Earth belongs will be the most important galaxy.
And what is it? The Milky Way. They call it so because of the shape it has, resembling a woman’s breast; therefore, just as the mother feeds her children, the baby, from this galaxy will come every blessing for all the other galaxies: it will spiritually feed all the galaxies, and all the planets, and all the solar systems, and all those who will live in eternity.
Therefore, from the Milky Way and from our solar system, and from planet Earth, will come every blessing for the rest of Creation. Why? Because God will dwell with His people and in the midst of His people in the New Jerusalem.
The streets will not be made of tar (asphalt) or cement, but of gold. Every part of that City will be a testimony of a Work of God’s Love. In other words, everything that will be in that City is a type and figure of a Work that Christ has done. Therefore, all the elect will also be represented in the different parts of that City.
Now, we can see that this is the City that Abraham was looking for; but he didn’t find it, why? Because the time hadn’t yet come to be on Earth; but he will be there when the time comes.
Printed in Puerto Rico
1 Acts 5:1-11