Dr. William Soto Santiago
Monday, September 15, 1997
Choluteca, Honduras
Scripture: Amos 8:11-14 / Matthew 4:4
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, September 7, 2014
San Salvador, El Salvador
But we don’t know in which year of the last millennium, of the seventh millennium from Adam until now, the resurrection of the dead and the transformation of the living will take place; but it will take place in the Last Day, which is the seventh millennium from Adam until now.
For which, there comes a preparation from God, to have the faith to be transformed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; for which God will provide what we are missing to obtain those blessings.
We have the Tele-blessing, where we are very united in that project of the construction of The Great Tent Cathedral, where we expect a manifestation of great blessing from God through Jesus Christ in Holy Spirit in the midst of His people; a blessing that will cover the entire planet Earth.
(…) Reverend William Branham also said of the Vision he had of that Great Tent Cathedral, the glorious manifestation of Christ, that manifestation in all His fullness where He carried out things that were done when he was on Earth. There will be healings, miracles and all these things; and above all, the preaching of the Word of the Lord for the Last Day, which will give the faith to be transformed to the believers in Christ and to be taken to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
That will be what will give us the faith for our transformation: what will be happening and Christ speaking through His Spirit to His Church, in the fulfillment of the Vision of The Great Tent Cathedral.
Therefore, we wish that God provides us what is lacking for that great culmination; and that soon all the physical works that have to be done will be concluded, what corresponds to the physical part that the Church has to carry out, so that the final culmination will come from Christ in the midst of His Church.
What God will give us, will speak to us, will be what He spoke to John the apostle in Revelation, chapter 10, when He descended from Heaven wrapped in a cloud and the rainbow over His head, and in His right hand an open little Book, which is the Book that had been sealed with seven seals, and cried out as when a lion roars.
Why did He cry out like a lion? Because for that time He will no longer be as a Lamb, He will no longer be as High Priest, but as a Lion, as King of kings and Lord of lords.
And what He will be speaking to us there will be the mystery of His Second Coming, which will give us the faith to be transformed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
For that reason John wasn’t allowed to write what the Thunders spoke, because the content of the Thunders is the content of the Seventh Seal of Revelation, chapter 8, verse 1; which, when it was opened in Heaven there was silence, nothing moved, complete silence so that no one would know – no one would know the content of the Seventh Seal; no one would know the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ, so that they couldn’t imitate it; because imitators always arise who try to obstruct the Divine Program; and some, thinking that they are doing well, are being instruments of the enemy and are hindering the Divine Program.
Remember, in the time of Moses there were also opponents to the Divine Program; in the time of Jesus also, in the time of the apostles also; also in the time of the prophets there were opponents to the prophets and to the Word of God that they spoke.
There will always be that struggle. And if the enemy doesn’t know what God is going to do, then he can’t imitate; because an imitation is something… a copy of the original, but it is not the original.
It is that God wants His Church to be the one to know that mystery when it is revealed under the Seventh Seal, when it is revealed under Revelation, chapter 10, 8 and 10; in other words, the Voice of Christ revealing that mystery, speaking consecutively in His Church in this end time, in the golden stage of the Church, the Cornerstone stage.
In the other ages He spoke and there was an interval, an interval from one age to another; from that interval from one age to another there was a different instrument of God for each stage. But in the end time Christ will speak consecutively to His Church, opening to her the mystery of the Seventh Seal, and making known to her what John heard and was not permitted to write. But the Church will hear it in this end time, at the Coming of the Mighty Angel that descends from Heaven in Revelation, chapter 10; and that is the Coming of the Lord to His Church.
He will be as the Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords; that is why it says that He cried as when a lion roars, and seven thunders uttered His voices; for He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the King of kings and Lord of lords, as it appears in Revelation, chapter 19, verses 11 and on.
So a great blessing comes from God for the believers in Christ, for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of Christianity; therefore, we have to prepare ourselves before God, be attentive to the Divine Program, waiting for that final culmination from God in and for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
When that happens, the Church of the Lord will have already been completed; but in the meantime the opportunity is given to the people to receive Christ as only and sufficient Savior.
Printed in Puerto Rico