Dr. William Soto Santiago
Friday, September 12, 1997
(Second activity)
San Miguel, El Salvador
Scripture: Matthew 13:36-43
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, February 12, 1995
Bogota, Colombia
And after the fall, where God cursed the serpent, we find that the seed of the serpent has continued to reproduce itself, but already on a higher scale, because it mixed with the human race. By mixing with the human race it obtained other privileges that it didn’t have.
That is why also in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, He said that there would be the two seeds, both represented: in the wheat the children of the Kingdom, and in the tares the children of the evil one or of the devil.
Now, the offspring of Cain according to the flesh, is one thing; and the offspring of the devil according to the spirit of the devil, is another thing.
What does this mean? That a person can have an evil spirit, and yet be in a body equal to the body in which the children of God are as well. The children of the evil one no longer have to come in a body of an animal, but they come in bodies born through the union of a man and a woman; and the children of God also come in a body born of a man and a woman.
There are children of God and children of the evil one here on planet Earth, and what counts is of which spirit the person is. If he is of the Spirit of God, he is a child of God; if he is of the spirit of the devil, he is a child of the devil; even if human beings don’t want to recognize it that way, because they think that they are all children of God.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Monday, July 30, 2007
Buenos Aires, Argentina
And now, therefore, good and bad have been coming into the Gospel, into Christianity. And what has happened? Some people also stumble when some problems arise or when some leave the Lord.
Remember that the Scripture says: “Good and bad came in,” it was filled with good and bad; therefore, don’t be surprised if you see some little problem in Christianity: remember that Christ said that in the field there would be the wheat and also the tares.
All desire eternal life, all desire to enter the Kingdom of God; but the wheat and the tares are different; and the tares will act as tares, and the tares Christ said are the children (of whom?) of the evil one; and the wheat are the children of the Kingdom, the children of God.
Therefore, in the midst of Christianity many things would arise that would surprise some; and throughout history you can see countless things that have happened, that you may not think would have been the children of God, and therefore, some have been scandalized; but you can’t be scandalized.
In the midst of Judaism, the same thing happened: there were wheat and tares. To some who didn’t want to listen to Jesus, who rejected Him and criticized Him, He said: “You can’t hear my words because you are not of God.”1 And that Word is harsh but it is so; there is wheat and tares. And let’s see where it says it so that you have a clear picture; because no believer in Christ should turn away from Christ: he should remain faithful to Christ.
Christ said that he who puts his hand to the plow and looks back, is not fit for the Kingdom; therefore, you have put your hand to the plow to walk forward with Christ in His Kingdom.
No matter what happens, you keep going forward. Remember, it is between you and God. If you see any person that turns away, you keep going; don’t turn away yourself. The one who turns away loses God’s blessing. Don’t lose God’s blessing.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Friday, July 16, 2010
(Second activity)
Santiago de Chile, Chile
Do you remember in the parable of the father of the family?, that he said to go and look for the people: good and bad, see?, wheat and tares; and there we can see why in Christianity there has been wheat and tares.
Now, Christ knows, He knows the wheat and He knows the tares; and He says that for the end time, for the end, He will separate the wheat from the tares, He will make a separation; for which He will send His Angels: they are the ministries of Moses and Elijah. See? Everything is simple.
So all these things are going to be fulfilled and will be open or being opened to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, who are the ones that have to understand these things; the world doesn’t have to understand them, because it is not for them to understand.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, January 17, 1999
Cayey, Puerto Rico
We can’t make illusions thinking that all beings throughout history are children of God; for Christ says that there are wheat and tares in the field, in this world there are wheat and tares; and also in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Christianity, we find that tares have also entered.
So we have to be realistic and know that there are children of the good one and children of the evil one on this planet Earth; and also in Christianity, like in the midst of Judaism there were also children of God and children of the evil one.
Christ told some people that they were children of the devil; and that is a harsh word, but if it is the truth and Christ said it, then who is going to say that it is not so.
And they proved themselves to be children of the evil one when in their hearts they wished to kill Jesus, and then they achieved the death of Jesus; for at the request of those people who wished to kill Jesus, at their request, the governor there (Pontius Pilate) ordered the death of Jesus.
Now, see how there is always wheat and tares in the field, and no one can say that it is not so; but the wheat has the soul of wheat, because the soul is what makes the difference.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Friday, October 9, 1992
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
We can say that we have, in Latin America and the Caribbean, a well forewarned people, ready for battle, prepared for battle, to obtain the Victory in Divine Love.
The people of God, the children of God, would be so well prepared at the end of time, that already, the Lord announces to us beforehand the great victory we will receive, showing that they would be a well forewarned people, because they would be listening to the Last Trumpet giving a certain sound.
And we are the ones who are hearing that Last Trumpet giving the certain sound, the certain Message for our age and our dispensation; and thus we have been being prepared for the battle.
We are well prepared: nothing will take us by surprise. And in everything we shall be more than overcomers.
Printed in Puerto Rico
1 John 8:47