Dr. William Soto Santiago
Wednesday, October 29, 1997
(Second activity)
Valparaiso, Chile
Scripture: 1 Timothy 3:14-16
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Cayey, Puerto Rico
Therefore, at the Last Day, at the Coming of the Lord, what we will be seeing will be all that we saw in the different messengers, different prophets, manifested at the Last Day at the Coming of the Lord, who will come as Lion of the tribe of Judah, as King of kings and Lord of lords, in His Reclaiming Work, to give the faith to His Church to be transformed and taken with Him to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
The mystery of the Seventh Seal is the mystery of the Coming of Christ in the Last Day, in the end time; therefore, the most important event will be the Coming of the Lord. And that is the only hope that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has: The Second Coming of Christ, which will be for the resurrection of the dead who come with Him, to resurrect them in eternal bodies, and for the transformation of those of us who are alive; therefore, Christ is the only hope for the believers in Christ.
There is no hope for the world. The judgments of the great tribulation are what will be manifesting in those last three and a half years of the seventy weeks of the prophet Daniel.
Therefore, it is important that we understand what time we are living in.
When a person goes to a city he doesn’t know, he has to be attentive to the traffic signals, to the signs that indicate where the city is; and if he follows those signs, he will arrive at the city; if he doesn’t follow those signs, he will not arrive at the city he wants to arrive at and which he doesn’t know.
And if we follow the signs that Christ said would be being manifested, we will reach the goal of seeing and receiving Christ in His Second Coming, and receive our transformation and go with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and go to the Divine City, to the City of God in Heaven. We have to recognize the signs that direct us to the City of God.
We have already been seeing the signs of the end time, which are manifested. And the most important of all will be the appearance of a prophet on Earth, the appearance of the Two Olive Trees, the ministries of Moses and Elijah for the Jews, and the Coming of the Lord for the believers in Christ.
Therefore, let us be attentive to the signs of the end time, so that when the Seventh Seal is opened for the Church, and the Sixth Seal is opened for the Jews…; which, the Sixth Seal is the same as the Seventh Seal for the Church. The Sixth Seal for the Jews is or are the Two Olive Trees, the ministries of Moses and Elijah being repeated in the end time.
(…) Notice, after the opening of the Seventh Seal we find an earthquake, and also with the opening of the Sixth Seal we find an earthquake. Will it be the same earthquake or will it be two earthquakes? That will be seen according to Revelation, chapter 11, verses 1 to 19.
Therefore, there will be an earthquake for the resurrection of the dead in Christ, and that is at the Coming of the Lord.
Before, we have to see the signs that indicate that we are at the end time. In Luke, chapter 21, Christ said that when we see these things happen, let us lift up our heads because our redemption is near; in other words, our transformation, which is the redemption of the body, where we will obtain the eternal body, glorified body, that will be the redemption of the body.
We have already been seeing for some time the signs that indicate the end time; therefore, let us be prepared for what is coming from God, the blessing that comes for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ before the great tribulation begins.
We are not going to go through the great tribulation, we are going to be transformed before, to receive the Lord in the air and to always be with Him, go with Him to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Therefore, comfort one another in these words. We know that we go through difficult stages here on Earth, but they are words of comfort to know that at the Coming of the Lord the dead believers in Him will be resurrected in eternal bodies, and those of us who are alive will be transformed, and we will be taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Therefore, we have to —under the teaching of the Word of God promised for this time— mature as wheat, to be transformed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Lima, Peru
Therefore, this being God’s way of speaking to His people, let us stand firm listening to the Voice of Christ, the Voice of God, in and from His Holy Mountain, His spiritual Temple, His Church.
He will not speak in and from another place. That is why the messenger for every age has always been part of the Mystical Body of Christ under the New Covenant. And just as Moses was with His people and went up to Mount Sinai, to the mountain of God, so every messenger will go up in the age in which he lives: he goes up to the Mount of God, to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Holy Mountain, because it has been sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Every manifestation of God, from the Day of Pentecost until now, has been in the Holy Mountain, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is covered with the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the final manifestation of God before the rapture and before the beginning of the great tribulation will be in the Mount of God, the Temple of God, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ because the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is the spiritual Temple, which represents the heavenly Temple of God.
Therefore, with reverential fear let us listen to the Voice of God in our time. Let us know that it is there that He will speak as the Lion of the tribe of Judah and Seven Thunders will utter Their voices; and that Voice will be the content of that little Book open.
When someone comes with a book, or something written, it is to make it known to the public; and Christ comes with the little Book open in His hand, the Lamb’s Book of Life, and He says to the apostle Saint John (who was also a prophet, and is a prophet, because he is alive in Paradise): “Take the little Book, ask the Angel who is standing on the sea and on the earth for the little Book.” And he asks him and He tells him, “And eat it.”
A book that can be eaten: The Word of the Lord; because “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
Just as we go to school and university and they give us the teaching of the content written in the different books, and in spiritual terms we eat all that teaching, we eat all the content that is in those books, and then the exams come at the corresponding time.
According to what you ate, what you learned in spiritual terms, is that later you are going to act, either as an engineer, as a lawyer, as a medic, as a doctor or whatever it is; and, therefore, you will talk later of that to your clients, to your patients.
So it is also this little Book that Christ, the Mighty Angel that descends from Heaven, takes in Heaven; which was closed. He opened it in Heaven, and then He brings it open to Earth and gives it to a man, who is represented in John the apostle.
And as John ate it, so shall the man eat it, final messenger that God will have in His Church in the Last Day; and he will have the order to prophesy over many peoples, nations, tongues and kings.
And in Revelation, chapter 11, verses 1 to 14, there we find the ministry that prophesies over many peoples, nations and tongues, which is the ministry of the Two Olive Trees, the ministry of Moses and Elijah being repeated in the Last Day. Everything will be simple.
Therefore, the ministry of Moses and Elijah to the Jews will bring them the divine revelation that is theirs to receive at the Last Day. And the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will receive the revelation of the Coming of the Lord, which will give the faith to the believers in Christ to be transformed, and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Printed in Puerto Rico