BIBLE STUDY #222 – FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2022
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Tuesday, September 9, 1997
Santa Ana, El Salvador
Scripture: Leviticus 25:8-13
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, October 30, 1994
(Second activity)
Santa Cruz, Bolivia
The 50th Year or Year of Jubilee is also the festive year number eight, which represents eternity; where the Redemption is carried out, where everything is restored to its original Owner, and where freedom, liberation, is proclaimed, so that each one may return to his Family and his inheritance.
That is why the devil, after the Millennial Kingdom, will be destroyed, because he will no longer have room to enslave any person or nation. That is why the devil at the end of the Millennium, when he is released, takes advantage to deceive all those nations, all those people who were resurrected, and who will rise up inspired by the devil, they will rise up against Christ and the Kingdom of Christ, to give Him a coup d’etat.
But Christ will not allow Himself to receive that coup d’etat, but fire and brimstone will come down from heaven and consume them all; and there is the Last Judgment: Each person will be judged according to what is written about him in the Book of Life and the Books of Memories of all the things that people have done; who think that God doesn’t remember those things, but there is a book called the Book of Memories, and there will appear the acts of the people.
Dr. William Soto Santiago
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Cayey, Puerto Rico
• We had a Lutheran day: The Lutheran stage or age.
We had a second day… This is already in the different stages of restoration.
• Then we had a second day: The Wesleyan day of the Wesleyan age.
• We had a third day: the day of the Pentecostal stage or the Laodicean Age, which corresponds to the Pentecostal stage; the Pentecostalism that started around 1906, beginning in Azusa Street, Los Angeles, California.
• And then, the fourth day: corresponds to the Age of the Cornerstone, where the promise for the Coming of Christ is marked. Just as Christ came on the fourth day to resurrect Lazarus, so He will come in the Age of the Cornerstone, which corresponds to the fourth day, counting those days of different stages of the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ.
And now, all this that I have been talking about is for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Great Voice of Trumpet or Last Trumpet or Trumpet of the Year of Jubilee, is the Voice of Christ, which spoke in the Old Testament and has spoken in the New Testament.
The same Voice that spoke in the Old Testament on Mount Sinai, and spoke also through the prophet Moses, and spoke through different prophets, as well as through the judges, and then spoke through Jesus Christ, and then spoke through the apostles, and then spoke through every angel messenger in the different ages; will be speaking in the Age of the Cornerstone. And that will be the Voice of God through Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, speaking in the midst of His Church with the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom, in addition to the Message of the Gospel of Grace.
(…) And now, we can see that there is a great blessing for Israel; but the greatest blessing is for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, for the members of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ are the ones that have the promise of a transformation if they are alive at the time when that Trumpet of the Year of Jubilee is sounding, at the time when that Great Voice of Trumpet is sounding.
Paul said: “…at the last trump.”
And now, for Israel the Trumpet sounds under the ministries of the Two Olive Trees, the ministries of Moses and Elijah, sent with a Great Voice of Trumpet to gather all God’s chosen ones of the Hebrew people, which will be 144,000 (12,000 from each tribe).
On the day of Elijah the prophet there were 7000,1 but now there will be 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe.
The time is drawing near and the Jews are in expectation, watching, for a long time.
The problems that Israel has had have been because of… One: of the idolatry into which King Solomon entered,2 and then also Jeroboam,3 and then countless kings as well; and also the rejection of Christ, the Messiah, when He was on Earth.
And the other thing: that the enemy of God knows that the Messiah is to come for the Hebrew people and that He will be the one who will establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. And just as he sought (the evil one) to kill the one who would deliver Israel from bondage in Egypt, killing all the children who were to be born… Although the midwives feared God and didn’t do as the pharaoh commanded them4; and for that reason Moses was born, and he was God’s instrument.
Whenever God is going to send to Earth the Deliverer of His people, the enemy sees signs in the sky, in the stars, and understands that the Deliverer is going to be born or has been born on Earth; and begins to kill the children or the people where he is to be born or where they are waiting for this Deliverer. So that is another cause why Israel, the Jews, have been so persecuted.
The evil one doesn’t want the Deliverer to appear, because he knows that the kingdom of the evil one will be taken away and then the Kingdom of the Messiah will be established on Earth.
The Jews are waiting for Elijah and they are waiting for the Messiah; and they are waiting for certain things that he is doing and that only he will be able to do.
So we are in a very important time in the prophetic field, which will work in favor of the Jews and in favor of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Trumpet for Israel is two prophets: Moses and Elijah, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Jews. And what is the Seventh Trumpet for Israel, is the Seventh Seal for the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ: The Coming of the Lord.
Therefore, He in His Coming comes with that Great Voice of Trumpet, Trumpet of God, Voice of God, the Gospel of the Kingdom, with which the mystery of the Seventh Seal will be revealed, the mystery of the Coming of the Lord.
With the Message of the Gospel of the Kingdom the Work of preparation will be done for the elect of God; in other words, they will receive the faith, the revelation, to be transformed and taken with Christ to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb; they will receive what? The revelation of the Seventh Seal, the revelation of the Coming of the Lord.
(…) It is a mystery how Israel will obtain their spiritual resurrection and their resurrection to the Kingdom of David; but “the secret things belong to God, and those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children.”5
Not much of this is made known so that no one can imitate what is promised that God will do; for that reason, you will see that on many occasions I stop, so as not to talk too much about that whole Program, because it can be interrupted. It is the Program of which Christ said that the Son of Man will send His Angels with a Great Voice of Trumpet and will gather His elect.6
Therefore, the Trumpet of the Year of Jubilee is the preaching of the Gospel of Grace for the Dispensation of Grace, and for the Dispensation of the Kingdom the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom. As simple as that.
(…) So in this end time you are going to see something very outstanding, which in other ages didn’t happen.
For example, in the first, second, third, fourth, fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh ages you don’t see an approach of Israel as a nation to the Ephesian Age or to the other ages, and neither in the Laodicean Age, and neither towards the messenger of the Laodicean Age, and neither towards the messengers of other ages.
But in this time corresponding to the Age of the Cornerstone you are going to see an approach to the age, to the Message and to the messenger, an approach of the Hebrew people to him and him to the Hebrew people. Watch for that, because that will be what the intertwining will do for the blessing of the Hebrew people and to prevent Israel from being destroyed.
How will he do it? That is what can’t be fully explained so that there will not be, there will not arise, imitations. Because when the enemy of God, the devil, knows that God is going to do something, he tries to imitate, so that when God does what He promised, people will say: “That is the same thing that So-and-so did; and that thing that So-and-so did was something false.” See? So that they say that what God is doing is false.
So it is better to do what Reverend William Branham was told: “You shall not say anything about this.”7 It is better… I have already told you maybe more than can be said, but you are not going to be telling everybody those things; those are things for you, to grow in the knowledge of God the Father, and of Christ, and His Program.
Printed in Puerto Rico
1 1 Kings 19:18
2 1 Kings 11:1-13
3 1 Kings 12:25-33
4 Exodus 1:15-22
5 Deuteronomy 29:29
6 Matthew 24:31
7 The Seals, p. 562, para. 302